Our products
The software solutions we develop are adaptive and intuitive. We know that each information system evolves over time under the influence of both user requirements and technological advances. So we always offer our customers support and commitment for the future development of our products. From a technical perspective the NBT’s solutions in most cases are related to large volume databases (over 10 million records), which attentive design is task of our most experienced professionals. As a rule we base our work on the development resources – DBMS of company Microsoft. Regarding the functionalities of our products - heaviest is the word of the client.
From the perspective of users types, we divide our projects to:

Banking/financial software solutions

Corporate software solutions

Banking/financial software solutions


NBT-BNBREPO is a complex solution of NBT SA for banks in Bulgaria in the formation of regulatory reporting required by the Central Bank. The module structure of the NBT-BNBREPO is:
  • Nonstandard part - involves processes of separation from the entire information flow of the bank of the necessary data to compile reports to the Central Bank. Тhe accumulated data are being processed, formatted, checked out for mistakes and discrepancies. It is unique for each bank.
  • Standard part - the preparation of reports. The necessary parameters and settings/mappings are maintained, connections between the articles of the reports are defined as well as ones between different reports. All the necessary papers and files for Central Bank and the bank itself are created.


NBT-ANACREDIT is a module containing detailed analytical information on bank lending in the euro area, harmonised across all Member States. НБТ е пионер в управлението на кредитния риск и регулаторното отчитане, тъй като специалистите й притежават обширни познания относно управлението на кредитния риск като цяло и в частност кредитния риск в контекста на регулаторната отчетност, вкл. кредитни регистри. Нашият опит и задълбочени познания в автоматизиране на отчетността по различните банкови регулации ни помагат в изграждането на цялостното решение – NBT-ANACREDIT. Модул NBT-ANACREDIT има значителна синергия с други модули, като осигурява съответствие с други изисквания за регулаторно отчитане (FINREP/COREP) и други свързани изисквания (IFRS9)


System for generation and validation of XBRL file format required by BNB from the following reports:
  • Liability Data Report (LDR)
  • Critical Functions Report (CFR)
  • Financial Markets Infrastructure Report (FMIR)
  • Minimum Requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL)
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (CFR)
  • Single Resolution Fund (SRF)
For this purpose, NBT Excel templates have been created in accordance with the European Central Bank standard, which can be quickly and easily completed.


NBT-BISERA system plays the role of а two-way interface between the system operator and banking system of client by automating the processing of payment messages (BISERA and RINGS) exchanged between the bank and the national settlement operator . Core business processes covered are sending outgoing messages, receiving of incoming messages and functions to serve the bank's electronic channels. The solution covers the processing of payment documents in leva. The aim is to reduce the workload of staff in the office, more flexible and easy organization of work and reduce the cost for processing of payment messages.


NBT-PROCUST is an information system consisting of a set of software tools and services designed to perform the necessary actions for calculation, modeling and evaluation of the profitability of the customers of the bank, its financial products and directions of their offering. Through its information products, as well as its consulting services, NBT Ltd supports its partners in the task of understanding what causes the attraction and retention of their clients, the mutual influence of different products offered, to manage various channels of service, to model its business. The founded relations can fundamentally alter the thinking of the marketing department or management of the organization as a whole.


NBT-STATEMENTS is a system for management of the daily statements and advices for operations of the bank customer accounts, including encryption and e-mailing.
Corporate software solutions


Information System NBT-FIXA automates the processes of managing fixed assets. The system helps to quickly and easily record tangible and intangible assets in accordance with the accounting standards. Automatically calculates tax amortization quotes for all fixes assets. The system builds amortization plan for the entire period of depreciation, not only for the current year. Depreciation quotes are calculated and displayed by months and years


NBT-INVOICE is a multiuser system for management of invoices - publishing, printing, storing in a database. Maintain mechanisms for input and verification of documents


NBT-DocStorS is a system, designed to digitize documents, categorize and store them in a database (MS SQL Server). In the process of digitizing of every document, it is classified in the database with a set of over 20 (twenty) attributes (date, reference, sort, type, subtype, related parties, etc.), by which documents can be subsequently searched. The system automatically assigns an unique reference for each document, depending on its type.